Do you want to play try baseball? Baseball is a growing sport in Denmark and there is always room for one more in our sport!
The baseball League in Denmark consists of Clubs and teams in both Jutland, Funen and Zealand. The league has a well-established senior league and a small, but growing Junior-league. Player age ranges from 6-60+ years – which makes for one less excuse for not starting today!
Find a club near you right here:
Do you have any questions that you are dying to get answered before you take the next step of contacting your local Baseball Club?
Make sure to read our FAQ below, or contact us to learn more!
How do I get started in a club?
- Most clubs will let you come to a few „try out practices‟ before you decide to join the team. Just make sure to contact them in advance, so they know that you are coming
What equipment do I need?
- Clubs knows that not everyone has a Baseball Glove, Bat or cleats just lying around at home. That’s why most clubs have equipment you can borrow until you decide to get your own. The Clubs can also assist you in finding the best places to buy your gear. When arriving at your first practice it is advised that you wear sports clothes and some kind of cleated shoes. Soccer cleats will work.
When does the season start?
- It’s different from club to club, when the practice starts and ends. Some clubs have practice all year – with indoor practice in the winter – and some clubs only practice during the warmer months of the year. The Danish Baseball Federation Tournament is from mid-late-april to and with August, with the Playoffs usually during September.
How old do you have to be, to play baseball?
- The short answer is that there is no age limit. But clubs will have teams for different age groups. Usually the teams start at age 6 as the youngest – mostly because it is at around that age when motorskills are evolved to learn how to throw and catch a ball. But no-one is the same, so you should ask your local Baseball Club.
How can I volunteer?
- Since Baseball is a small sport in Denmark, all kinds of volunteering is appreciated! If you want to volunteer at your local Baseball Club, make sure to contact them! If you want to help on Federations Level, you are more than welcome to contact us via our Contact Page